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Seismic Modeling Enables Geo-Scientists to make:

Recommendations for the survey planning based on evaluation of resolving capability of the seismic method for any given geologic scenario and acquisition geometry.

Endorsement for seismic data processing workflow basing on modeling of any type of seismic records such as conventional surface seismic, micro-seismic, VSP, and high frequency well log simulation.

Verification of robustness of any given seismic interpretation for reality of the reflected discontinuities and structural elements.

Identification of potential processing artefacts not tied with the medium model structure that may lead to interpretive errors.

Estimation of horizon illumination under lateral heterogeneities using ray-tracing approach.

AVO-modeling or anisotropic, porous, fluid saturated, visco-elastic, thin layered media, and curved boundaries complicated by changing physical properties both vertically and laterally.

Wave Propagation and Seismic Record

The wavefield time slice (snapshot) analysis allows visualize the particle displacement velocity for Z, X, Y, and hydrophone components of the propagating wavefield, and to easily distinguish the down going and the reflected waves of various types.

Demonstration data sets for geophysical software evaluation and development. Allowing the user to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of the new technologies so that the adoption cycle time may be greatly reduced.

Presentation (report, training course) enabling a clear understanding of the complexities of seismic signal mode conversion, multiples, the creation of surface related noise, etc.


Model Building allows to quickly build on screen model of geological cross-section incorporating different rock properties and levels of structural complexity. You can integrate well-logs and other available data at interactive Model Building. Practically any kind of geological structure can be simulated and complex patterns of P-wave and S-wave velocities, densities, anisotropy, fracturing and energy absorption can be applied.

Name Version/Date Open Comment
Using Well Logs

Description and howto with examples

Using Text Files

Description and howto with examples

Using Grid Model

Description and howto with examples

Using Pad Image

Description and howto with examples

Seismic (numerical) modeling is a tool for improving the quality and reliability of the seismic surveys. It is particularly helpful for planning acquisition parameters, fine-tuning of the processing sequence... You can produce synthetic gathers, snapshots, and time sections for different kinds of wave equation approximations, sources, wavelets, etc...

Name Version/Date Open Comment
...in Seismic

Case Study

Modeling Lateral Heterogeneties

Description and examples

Modeling Seismic and Well Log Data

Description and examples

2D Ray Tracing

Description and examples

3D Ray Tracing

Description and examples

Modeling 2.5D-3C

Description and examples

3D Full Wave Modeling

Description and examples

User Defined Wavelet

Howto examples

Modeling and Depth Migration

Description and examples

Modeling for Thin Layered Medium

Description and examples

Modeling VSP example


Modeling Cross Well Survey

Description and examples

Modeling AVO

Description and examples

Medium Micro-model:porosity, anisotrophy, fracturing, and absorbtion


Modeling Complex Sources

Description and examples

Modeling Ground Surface

Description and examples

Lamb-Stoneley Tube Waves

Description and examples

Modeling for Engineering Purposes

Case Study

Modeling Time Laspe SAGD

Case Study

You can consistently simulate and analyze characteristics of seismic records for complexly structured geological media including: thin- and sub-vertical layering, abrupt velocity changes in all directions, anisotropy and fracturing systems…

Name Version/Date Open Comment
Promotion Movie

Tesseral Pro

Announcing Tesseral Pro v5

Tesseral Pro Release 5 is now available!

Tesseral Pro Overview

Capabilities in Tesseral Pro

3D Full Wave Modeling

3D Full Wave Modeling with Tesseral Pro

Making Snapshot Movies

Howto examples

Tesseral Geo Modeling suite has a toolbox of seismic data processing capabilities including velocity analysis, CDP stacking, pre-stack time and depth migration, time and depth VSP migration, and AVO-modeling.

Name Version/Date Open Comment
2D Preprocessing Techniques

Description and howto examples

2D Processing Procedures

Description and examples

Reading SEGY Files

Description and howto examples

Planning Processing Sequence

Questions and solutions

2D VSP Migrations

Description and examples

QC of Velocity Model

Case study example

Velocity Model Fitting by Seismic Data


2D Processing using Vector Wave Energy Migration

Description and examples

2D Processing using Duplex Wave Migration

Description and examples

Seismic modeling of plausible geological scenarios for particular area allows selecting optimal acquisition geometry and processing workflow basing on analysis of produced synthetic data.

Name Version/Date Open Comment
Planning 3D Survey

Case Study

Planning 3D Survey


Setting 3D Survey Layout


Planning Survey for Poor Near Surface Conditions

Case Study

Roll-In-Out Survey


Small Offset Survey

Modeling of Small Offset Survey

Tesseral 2D is a highly interactive and easy to use visual learning tool for students and professional geophysicists alike. It can help geoscientists to better understand wave processes in geological media and the specifics of the seismic exploration methods.

Name Version/Date Open Comment
Tesseral for Education

Intro with snapsot movies

Tesseral for Education and Research

Tesseral for Education

Professor's Testimonial - Kurt Marfurt

One professor's experience on classroom use of Tesseral

Professor's Testimonial - Curtis Link

A word from Montana Tech

Articles related to using in Tesseral Geo Modeling suite methods and application case studies .

Name Version/Date Open Comment
AAPG GEO-2016 - Manama, Bahrain
Shahzad Ulhaq, Duryodhan Epili, Krzysztof K. Sliz, Luke F. LaFreniere
Fracture detection in carbonate reservoir at multiple scales with integrated seismic, borehole image log and core data, onshore Saudi Arabia

Fracture detection in carbonate reservoir at multiple scales with integrated seismic, borehole image log and core data, onshore Saudi Arabia
World Heavy Oil Congress 2016 - Calgary
Art Siewert
Duplex Wave Migration Adds New dimension to 4D Monitoring for SAGD - Athabasca, Alberta

Duplex Wave Migration Adds New dimension to 4D Monitoring for SAGD - Athabasca, Alberta
SEG Annual Meeting 2015 - New Orleans
Sumit Verma, Marcus P. Cahoj, Tengfei Lin, Fangyu Li, Bryce Hutchinson and Kurt J. Marfurt
Pitfalls in seismic processing: part 1 groundroll sourced acquisition footprint

Forward modeling demonstrates how inadequately removing groundroll can result in erroneous and more difficult interpretations. In many cases, seismic attributes exacerbate the effects of this noise.
SEG Annual Meeting 2015 - New Orleans
Sumit Verma, Marcus P. Cahoj, Tengfei Lin, Fangyu Li, Bryce Hutchinson and Kurt J. Marfurt
Pitfalls in seismic processing: part 2 velocity analysis sourced acquisition footprint

Forward modeling shows that improper velocity analysis can create patterns that even experienced interpreters could perceive as geology.
CSPG GeoConvention 2014: FOCUS - Calgary
K.O. Iskaziyev, S.G. Karimov, N.I. Yasafova, R.V. Kudakaev, E.G. Khabibullin, E.V. Rastegaeva, Yu.I. Denisov, A.S. Kostyukevych
Study of Subvertical Fracturing Zones in Subsalt Carbonates of the Pre-Caspian Basin using Duplex Wave Migration

Study of Subvertical Fracturing Zones in Subsalt Carbonates of the Pre-Caspian Basin using Duplex Wave Migration
EAGE 2014 - Amsterdam
K. Iskaziyev, S. Karimov, N. Yasafova, R. Kudakaev, E. Khabibullin, E. Rastegaeva, Yu. Denisov & N. Marmalevskyi
Study of Subvertical Fracturing Zones in Subsalt Carbonates of the Pre-Caspian Basin Using Duplex Wave Migration

Study of Subvertical Fracturing Zones in Subsalt Carbonates of the Pre-Caspian Basin Using Duplex Wave Migration
Geophys. J. Int. (2013) 195, 740-766
V. Starostenko, T. Janik, D. Lysynchuk, P. Sroda, W. Czuba, K. Kolomiyets, P. Aleksandrowski, O. Gintov, V. Omelchenko, K. Komminaho, A. Guterch, T. Tiira, D. Gryn, O. Legostaeva, H. Thybo and A. Tolkunov
Mesozoic(?) lithosphere-scale buckling of the East European Craton in southern Ukraine: DOBRE-4 deep seismic profile

Mesozoic(?) lithosphere-scale buckling of the East European Craton in southern Ukraine: DOBRE-4 deep seismic profile
EAGE 2013 - London
G. Markarova, I. Blumentsvaig, N. Marmalevskyi & A. Kostyukevych
Duplex Wave Migration Case Study in Yemen

Duplex Wave Migration Case Study in Yemen
EAGE 2013 - London
N. Marmalevskyi, A. Kostyukevych & G. Dubrova
Duplex Wave Migration and Corner Reflector Approximation

Duplex Wave Migration and Corner Reflector Approximation
Tectonophysics, 608 (2013)
V.Starostenko, T.Janik, K.Kolomiyets, W.Czuba, P.Sroda, M.Grad, I.Kovacs, R.Stephenson, D.Lysynchuk, H.Thybo, I.M.Artemieva, V.Omelchenko, O.Gintov, R.Kutas, D.Gryn, A.Guterch, E.Hegedus, K.Komminaho, O.Legostaeva, T.Tiira, A.Tolkunov
Seismic velocity model of the crust and upper mantle along profile PANCAKE across the Carpathians between the Pannonian Basin and the East European Craton.

Seismic velocity model of the crust and upper mantle along profile PANCAKE across the Carpathians between the Pannonian Basin and the East European Craton.
EAGE 2012 - Copenhagen
I. Khromova, R. Shafikov, A. Rusalin, B. Link, N. Marmalevskyi & S. Gorbachev
Fracture Delineation in a Carbonate in the Case of Signal Distortion from Overlying Sediments

Fracture Delineation in a Carbonate in the Case of Signal Distortion from Overlying Sediments
EAGE 2012 - Copenhagen
V. Tulchinsky, Y. Roganov, R. Iushchenko
Acceleration of 2.5D Elastic Anisotropic Modeling

Acceleration of 2.5D Elastic Anisotropic Modeling
5th Saint Petersburg International Conference, 2012
N. Marmalevskyi, S. Gorbachev, Z. Gornyak, G. Dubrova & B. Link
Velocity Detection by Duplex Wave Migration

Velocity Detection by Duplex Wave Migration
Ukrainian Geologist, 4, P.56-65, 2012
P. Zagorodnyuk, V. Mershchiy & O. Mershchiy
Research of Influence of Weathering Zone on Spectral Structure of Seismic Signals

Research of Influence of Weathering Zone on Spectral Structure of Seismic Signals
Recovery-2011 CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention
B. Link , I. Khromova & A. Kostyukevych
Fracture Prediction Verified by Well Results and Forward Modeling

Fracture Prediction Verified by Well Results and Forward Modeling
EAGE 2011 - Vienna
Dr. Alex Kostyukevych
Duplex Wave Migration Based AVO

Duplex Wave Migration Based AVO for Determination Properties of Vertical Boundaries
EAGE 2011 - Vienna
B. Link
LukOil Case Study

Integrated study of secondary transformation of carbonate platform rocks by seismic methods
EAGE 2011 - Vienna
A.P. Yakovlev
Fractured Reservoir Delination

Fractured Reservoirs Delination in Carbonates with Duplex Wave Migration Technology
EAGE 2011 - Vienna
Y.A. Trotsenko
Predicting Fractured Zones

Correct Method to Predict Distribution of Fractured Zones in Carbonate Reservoirs
EAGE 2011 - Vienna
Y. Roganov
Numerical Modeling for Q-anisotropy

Numerical Modeling for Q-anisotropy in Fractured Media
EAGE 2011 - Vienna
Y. Roganov
Low Frequency Wave Propagation

Low Frequency Wave Propagation in Periodically Layered Media
EAGE 2008 - Rome
Y. Roganov
Acoustic Approximations for qSV-waves

Quasi Acoustic Approximations for qSV-waves in a Transversely Isotropic Medium
EAGE 2008 - Rome
A. Kostyukevych
Anisotropic 2.5D-3C Finite-difference Modeling

Anisotropic 2.5D-3C Finite-difference Modeling
EAGE 2007 - London
V. Roganov
Method for Travel Time Calculation

An Initialization Method for Travel Time Calculation in TTI Media
EAGE 2007 - London
N. Marmalevskyi
Transformation Noise Suppression

Transformation Noise Suppression for Transmitted Wave VSP Imaging
EAGE 2006 - Vienna
Y.V. Roganov
3D Eikonal Solver

3D Eikonal Solver in Tilted TI Media
EAGE 2006 - Vienna
N. Marmalevskyi
Frequency depending AVO

Frequency depending AVO for a gas-saturated periodical thin-layered stack
EAGE 2006 - Vienna
N. Marmalevskyi
AVO for Pre-Resonant and Resonant Frequency

AVO for Pre-Resonant and Resonant Frequency Ranges of a Periodical Thin-Layered Stack
EAGE 2005 - Madrid
N. Marmalevskyi
Kirchhoff Migration

Elastic Maximum Energy and Maximum Divergence Kirchhoff Migration
CSEG 2005 - Calgary
Satinder Chopra, Arcis Corporation
Seismic Elastic Modeling

Seismic Elastic Modeling
EAGE 2004 - Paris
Y.V. Roganov
Elastic Scattering Matrix

Perturbation of the Elastic Scattering Matrix in Anisotrpic Media
EAGE 2002 - Florence
Y.V. Roganov
Quasi Shear Waves

Behavior of Quasi Shear Waves in Orthorhombic Media
EAGE 2002 - Florence
Full Wave Modeling

Full Wave Modeling of Effects Caused by the Flanks of Salt Dome
Leading Edge Magazine
Norm Cooper
Designing 3D Programs

Designing land 3D programs for signal, noise, and prestack migration
New Technology Magazine
Wave of the Future
Full Wave Modeling

Seismic Wave Modeling Software Runs on PCs
Case Study
Seismic Exploration of
Sub-glacial Lakes

Seismic Exploration of Sub-glacial Lakes



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